SoftwareCell lineage and differentiationMerlinMerlin uses a novel nested perfect phylogeny model to jointly infer cell lineage trees and mitochondrial clone tree using mitochondrial muations detected from single cell sequencing data. [Code]
StartleStartle uses the maximum parsimony framework to find single-cell lineage trees from CRISPR-Cas9 based lineage tracing data using the star homoplasy model. [Code]
Cancer genome evolutionConDoRConDoR is an algorithm to infer tumor phylogenies from targeted single-cell DNA sequencing data using the Constrained Dollo model. [Code]
LazacLazac is a tool for inferring single-cell resolution copy number phylogenies from copy number data. It is based on our zero-agnostic copy number transformation (ZCNT) model, which we recently introduced as a simplification of the copy number transformation (CNT) model. [Code]
PactionPaction is a method to reconcile SNV and CNA clone proportions and trees for thesame tumor. The output is a set of tumor clones characterized by both SNVs and CNAs,the clone proportions and a comprehensive clone tree annotated with both SNV andCNA events. [Code]
doubletDdoubletD is an efficient doublet detector designed for single-cell DNA sequencing (scDNA-seq) data. Incorporating doubletD in scDNA-seq analysis pipelines leads to more accurate cancer genotyping and tumor phylogeny inference. [Code]
Infectious disease evolution and transmissionPRIMESPRIMES is a computational to predict the sensitivity and specificity of a PCR assay to detect specific pathogen lineages of interest.[Code]
CORSIDCORSID is an algorithm to simultaneously identify TRS sites, the core sequence and gene locations given an unannotated coronavirus genome sequence. [Code]
JumperJumper is a code that takes a bam file of RNA-seq reads and a Fasta file of the reference genome as input and reconstructs RNA transcripts and their abundances in the sample. [Code]
TiTUSTiTUS is a code that takes as input a timed pathogen phylogeny with leaves labelled by the host along with epidemiological data such as entry-removal times for the hosts and a contact map. It counts and uniformly samples from the set of feasbile interval vertex labelings of the timed phylogeny that satisfy the direct transmission constraint while supporting a weak transmission bottleneck. [Code]
SharpTNISharpTNI is a tool for counting and sampling solutions from the space of parsimonious transmission networks under a weak transmission bottleneck constraint. This problem arises in phylodynamic and phylogeographic analyses of disease outbreaks. [Code]
Data-driven modeling of flow dynamicslrDMDLow-rank dynamic mode decomposition (lrDMD) solves for a rank-constrained linear representation of the dynamical system for given series of data snapshots. [Code]
KF-DMDA data-driven method for optimal sensor placement and parameter optimization using transfer operator based reduced order models. [Code]