Palash Sashittal

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Postdoctoral Research Associate,
Computer Science,
Princeton University

Email: ps7731 [@] princeton [DOT] edu
Contact: 35 Olden St, Room 313

About me

I am a postdoctoral research associate in the Computer Science Department at Princeton University. Prior to this, I completed by Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering at UIUC under the guidance of Prof. Daniel Bodony. Along the way, I also completing a Masters in Compuer Science at UIUC under the guidance of Prof. Mohammed El-Kebir. I did my undergrad at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay with a B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering, and was fortunate to have worked with Prof. Krishnendu Sinha and Prof. Johan Larsson during my time there.


Broadly speaking, my current research interests lie in formulating and solving optimization and inference problems with biomedical/healthcare applications. I especially prefer to work on problems that require a combination of ideas from mathematics and computer science.

Full list of publications.
A brief CV.